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Online Trading !

Online trading has a lot of people hooked on to the markets.A general reader might be forgiven for thinking that apart from online shopping and corporate Web sites, the Internet is just a teenager’s paradise. This is not true, though—the get-rich-quick brigade has found that the Internet is a very nifty tool to dabble around in the stock market.

Sites such as and let you sell and buy shares online. All you need to do is open a trading account with them. The Internet also allows you to buy and sell shares live as the market moves without the help of the broker. All you have to do is install software from a broking house such as Sharekhan, and lo and behold, you have a trading terminal. You can now go and make those much-desired millions or lose all your money to the vagaries of the stock market.

Trading live is possible as both the major exchanges in India, the BSE and the NSE conduct their entire business online. Most broking houses that set up trading terminals on your home PC also help you understand the software. While you make your quick buck, remember to get out once you’ve achieved it!

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