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5. Device Stage

Device Stage : Windows 7 brings a new feature that shows all the features and documents relating you hardware in a single window.

Connect your mobile phone and it appears in Windows Explorer. Connect your mobile phone and it appears in Windows Explorer. Click on it and a window comes up with vendor-branded background (if a vendor supports this feature) that might show basic information about the cellphone, its capabilities, links to its manual and the latest driver, in addition to advanced features it has the option of copying videos and images from a device, setting ringtones,etc.Various system features and applications to access different capabilities of a device. Before Windows 7, we never thought there was a better way of doing this. Device Stage not only feels right, it is a better approach to assemble your key hardware in one place.

Ofcourse, The problem with all the features id that they arn't available yet and we won't be able to take a look at the entire feature set until the first beta arrives in early 2009. But we believe that it would be a good idea for Apple to take a closer look at Microsoft ideas.