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Widget Bucks:

Here a new money-making service that used by bloggers and webmasters is somewhat similar to Chitika called WidgetBucks. It is a new advertising network that PPC Program which i s meant you will get paid when everytime someone clicks on the little widget.

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!

Since the advertising network is new, there is no reason for bloggers or webmasters to turn this down. The good new of WidgetBucks is its CPM $3-$5. If u r new to WidgetBucks and register, you automatically get $25 in your account. The minimum payout for WidgetBucks is just like Auctionads ($50) .so we j ust need more $25 to get cheque from why late friends. join and start earning money...

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