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RSS Feed Search Engine Optimiation :

RSS Feed SEO :

Just like HTML web pages, RSS feeds can be optimized to perform better in search engine listings. Quality web content is irrelevant if the website cannot be "found". Optimizing RSS feeds using Eearch Engine Optimization(SEO) techniques will assure that interested parties can find your RSS feed.

1. Update Frequently :

Just like web pages, RSS Feeds are updated frequently, and on a regular basis, will perform better in the search engines.

2. Keywords:

Use keywords and keyword phrases judiciously in the RSS feed's title and description. RSS feed directories and search engines will often include search functionality and spider feeds.

3. Subscribe :

Subscribe to your RSS feed in MyYahoo and MSN, This will increase the speed of the yahoo and MSN's RSS feed indexing.

4. Choose Feed And Item Titles Carefully :

Select your RSS feed titles carefully. Use titles that will attract the attension of your target audience. Keep the RSS feed titles under 100 characters. The titles should be interesting, and relevant.