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Google AdSense Video ad format :

Google announced a new AdSense ad format for publishers and advertisers: video. This system is basically still the usually contextually-targeted advertisement by Google, but this time instead of text or image ads, your readers get to videos.

Isn't that more interesting than just plain text ads? This presents an exciting new opportunity for advertisers and artistic types, too.

Google video ads only play when clicked, so they won't be an annoyance to readers who would rather see just static pages (i.e., no multimedia).

Google click-to-play video ads are played in browser, meaning viewers will not need additional software ( except perhaps the usual Flash plugin , which is already built-in into today's modem browsers. Available ad formats present are the standard 300x250 medium rectangle (reportedly the most effective in text and image ads, 336x280 large rectangle, or 250x250 square.

Google AdSense blog says that optimizing for video ads is just the same as optimizing for image or text ads-one should take into consideration the quality of content, and ad placement.

The concept of delivering video-format Internet commercials is getting to be interesting now.

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