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Google Adsense Tips

As Google AdSense is a wide range of advertising program it needs specific function to b done by the publish in order get relavent ads to the blog or website.

Tip#1 :

Dont put ads on empty pages :

A page with good content can make increse the chances of getting relevant ads to blog or website. Niche in Google Adsense is must important used part. A rich niche can increase the chance of gud income. A blog/ website which is unquely designed can only the perfect chance of making good income online from Google Adsense.

If you dont have content, then , google will have to guess as what your page is about, it may guess wrong, and so the ads that it displays may not be relevant. You will have to wait until google re-crawls the site for the ads to correct themselves.

Tip #2 :

Choose the right Adsense Format :

Wider formats are successful because the ads are compact, easy to read and are complementary to the content . The top three Adsense formats are :

1. 336 X 280 large rectangle

2. 300 X 250 medium rectangle

3. 160 X 600 wide skyscraper

Another successful format is the 468 X 15 horizantal ad links , that can be placed under your navigation bar.

Tip #3 :

Write a new page everyday :

One of the best feature for adsense earning improvement is adding a new page to the blog daily where the content rich . Unique targetting keywords in page content targets relevant ads to the blog.

Tip #4 :

Even if you get huge traffic , the Adsense income from the site is more dependent on the site type and audience :

Google targets Adsense ads automatically to the site content. Or atleast , it does so ideally , but some type of content fare better than others with the targetting. I noticed for instance that Adsense does better on a games site than on a technology blog . I also heared that Adsense quite good on product oriented blogs, say one post solely about the Adsense, Advertising programs, Afflicate programs and so on...

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