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Google Adsense : More Money with Google Adsense Themed Ads

What are Themed Ad Units ?

Simple, They are Ads which have special colors and graphics to celebrate the season. For example , You might see Themed Ads like Red print with a green mistletoe for Christmas , and
how about Orange print with a black cat for Halloween ?

The Themed Ads are specifically tailored to users in the appropriate locations as determined by their Ip address. For instance a user in United States might see colors and graphics to a specific month like July..where as other countries users could see colors and graphics of New Years Day

Again It's Yours and Your Page :

You can turn Themed Ad Units on (or) off by yourself. Just login to your account , and go to My Account tab. On the Account settings page scroll down to the Ad Type preferences section and click Edit. Now its your choice to either enable or disable your Themed Ad Units. Then click save changes ..and now Your selection will apply to all your Google Adsense Ads.

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