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Domain name Yahoo !

Domain name Yahoo !

Domain name stands for ? A domain name is an address for the internet. It helps people to find your web site. As businesses and homes have street addresses websites have domain name. The yahoo! domain name is

A Domain name is made up of two parts, typically preceded by www. Let's use as an example

1. The first part, yahoo, is a unique name that represents the website.
2. The second part, .com, is the extension, and stands for "commercial". There are many extensions available, though .com, .net, .biz, .info, and .us are the most popular extensions in the United States.

Good domain name important... Becoz..

A good domain name helps you in two ways:
For Business :
Add your domain name to your business card, email signature, and other advertisements.
Build credibility: Show your customers that you have an established business.
Improve your marketing: Provide customers an easy way to remember

For Consumers :
Describe your site as best you can with your domain name. It make good attraction with the users.

Choosing a domain name in yahoo has below tips :

1. While selecting domain name in yahoo these tips are very useful.
2. Your domain name should reflect with the business name or the topic,which your site covers.
3. It should be unique which is easy to spell and remember.
Only letters, numbers, hyphen are allowed in yahoo domain name.
4. If choice you entered is not available then change the word order with a unique alternative.

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